Workshop - Online

Digital Video 360

Aug 6, 2024 / 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST



      Update as of 7/23/24: This event has been postponed. Please reach out to [email protected] for group training.

      Video content is pervasive in our culture – the US Average Time Spent per Day with Digital Video increased by 55% from 2019 to 2024, with individuals now spending an average of 2.8 hours a day watching digital video. As such a staple in our habits, it pays to have a strong understanding of the digital video advertising landscape.

      The comprehensive training empowers attendees to:​ 

      • Explain the digital video ecosystem and its essential technologies​
      • Target video advertising campaigns to reach specific audiences with privacy-safe strategies​
      • Evaluate different approaches to programmatic buying and selling digital video media​
      • Apply best practices for optimizing digital video campaigns mid-flight​

      This virtual 2-hour session will include instructor facilitation, engagement activities, and a downloaded resource guide for attendees.

      Valid for IAB Certification Continued Education Credits: 2.0 credits towards Re-Certification.   

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