
Embracing “Coopetition”: The Rise of Collaborative Marketing Solutions


As data signals disappear and the lack of first-party data could lead to a sinking boat, partnering with those who have data can keep the ship moving.

The digital advertising and ad tech industries are undergoing a sea change, driven by rapid technological advancements and shifting market dynamics. This evolution brings increased complexity and fragmentation to the digital landscape, challenging companies to adopt innovative strategies to stay afloat. Traditional approaches of viewing competitors as “frenemies”—rivals who might collaborate on occasion—are being supplanted by a more holistic and strategic approach known as “coopetition.”

Coopetition, a blend of cooperation and competition, is becoming a cornerstone for success in the ad tech world. Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has been at the helm, observing and understanding this trend. Through coopetition, companies that once saw each other as adversaries are now forging partnerships to deliver comprehensive solutions that better address modern marketers’ needs. This collaborative effort leverages each other’s strengths to create value that exceeds the sum of its parts.

Data Democratization: The Heart of Coopetition

At the heart of coopetition is the principle of data democratization. In today’s data-driven world, this concept strives to make data universally accessible to both competing and collaborating entities. By breaking down traditional barriers of data gatekeeping, coopetition fosters a culture where data is seen as a communal asset, leading to enriched insights and collective progress. This levels the playing field and enhances collaboration, offering numerous advantages:

  • A more comprehensive understanding of consumer engagement and behavior
  • Significant reductions in the costs associated with data acquisition and management
  • The innovation and development of new, data-driven solutions, including privacy-enhancing technologies and data clean rooms

One Standout Illustration: Synergy Between Retail Media Networks and Publishers. 

Retail media networks harness the extensive customer data amassed by retailers, unlocking targeted advertising avenues for brands. Through strategic alliances with publishers, these networks significantly bolster the publishers’ capabilities in delivering precisely targeted ads to their audiences, utilizing retail data.

Such collaborations yield benefits across the board: retailers uncover new revenue channels, publishers are equipped to provide more effective advertising solutions, and brands can broaden their reach well beyond the confines of retailers’ owned and operated websites, engaging with audiences across a diverse array of publishers. This expansion not only amplifies the visibility of brands but also enhances the scale and relevance of audience engagement, creating a richer, more connected advertising ecosystem.

Furthermore, publishers have compelling content, while retailers have sales and customer data. Bringing the two together creates a consolidated offering – a win-win-win scenario. Publisher gains much-needed data and credit for sales, retailers get engaging content for users, and brands enjoy a one-stop shop for a full-funnel solution. It’s like ensuring all boats rise together, creating a robust ecosystem where everyone benefits.

Attention Measurement: Harmony Through Collaboration

Attention measurement serves as a prime example of the harmonious interplay achieved through coopetition. Instead of competing over the best methodology for gauging audience attention, eye-tracking attention providers, ad effectiveness and brand study firms, along with device data signal providers, have chosen to collaborate. This united front offers a multifaceted understanding of audience attentiveness. By integrating biometric, behavioral, and cognitive data, these partnerships furnish a comprehensive perspective on audience engagement with advertising content. This collaborative approach underscores that different measurement partners can illuminate various aspects and lenses of consumer attention, rather than vie for supremacy in methodology, showcasing that in the realm of attention measurement.

Expanding Beyond Data: The Efficiency of Service and Product Partnerships

Coopetition extends beyond data sharing, facilitating partnerships that streamline operations and reduce friction in managing advertising campaigns. When ad tech companies form partnerships, it streamlines the process, and makes it easier to work with multiple providers. Marketers can take advantage of the synergies created by these partnerships, accessing a wide range of expertise and resources without sacrificing quality or innovation. This saves time and reduces the risk of inconsistencies or errors.

Fostering Innovation and Driving the Industry Forward

Coopetition benefits companies and drives innovation in the digital advertising and ad tech space. By bringing together diverse perspectives, expertise, and resources, partnerships foster creativity, experimentation, and the development of groundbreaking solutions.

Coopetition creates a collaborative environment where companies can share ideas, challenge each other, and push boundaries. Working together helps identify new opportunities, develop novel approaches to common challenges, reduce innovation risks, and accelerate the pace of bringing new products and services to market.

Navigating Challenges and Embracing the Future

While navigating coopetition’s challenges—such as legal frameworks, data privacy, and maintaining competitive balance—the benefits decidedly tip the scales. Companies fostering collaboration and strategic partnerships are poised for success in the fragmented digital advertising arena. Key to this success are clear goals, open communication, and a commitment to mutual benefits, alongside proactive legal and regulatory compliance. This approach not only helps establish industry standards but also encourages best practices.

The rise of coopetition in ad tech brings palpable excitement for its potential to revolutionize how companies interact and provide value. This shift towards collaborative competition benefits marketers with more integrated solutions, streamlining advertising efforts. Moreover, it promises a brighter future for the advertising industry and users alike, with more engaging and meaningful experiences. IAB views coopetition not only as a win for marketers but as a pivotal development for the industry’s growth. This blend of competition and cooperation reflects an industry maturing into a space where creativity and effectiveness reach new heights together. Embracing this shift is essential for those aiming to lead in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape. It’s a development that IAB is eager to champion, driven by the belief that together, we can achieve unparalleled heights of creativity and effectiveness.

When we expand the ocean, all boats rise.


Angelina Eng
Vice President, Measurement, Attribution & Data Center
at IAB

Sheryl Goldstein
EVP, Member Engagement and Development
at IAB